Rabu, 18 Januari 2012

It Has To Be You

Today as my memory wonder...
At the end of this read,I still linger...
Although I can't see you,
you still hold me tight...
I also question this path...

I want to see you...
And I wanna hold you...
I look up in the sky and pray...

If it isn't you,then I can't be...
I can't be without you...
Being like this for days,months,even years..
Even if I hurt,it's fine...
Even if my heart hurt...
I'm fine....
It's because I Love You...

I can't do it again...
I can't send you away...
If I forget you,I can't go on...

My bruised heart...
It's yelling at me to find you....
Where are you?
Can't you hear my voice?

To me...
I may live again...
But no matter how many times I born,
I couldn't live a day without you...
You're the person that I'll keep...
The person that I'll love...
Because I'm happy enough if I can just be with you.
Because I'm just in love with you...

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